Tag: updates

Should I buy a phone with the latest software?


When it comes to purchasing new smartphone, most buyers are usually faced with  several options to consider before settling on one that they feel best meets their needs.

One such factor to be determined is the version of the operating system.  To a section of buyers this pose no major challenge, while to some this becomes their main reason for wanting to buy new phone.

So which way should you go? There are a number of factors that can guide you on which handset to chose. Below is an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a phone running an old OS.

The old OS is usually more stable and reliable since it has been tested for a much longer period of time. The reports that users submit to the different phone manufacturers help improve the OS making it more stable and free from bugs.

Different updates of the old OS are usually available for download which greatly improves the user experiences and boosts the security measures, thus making the OS more robust and secure.

Phones coming with the old OS out of the box tend to be faster and more responsive compared to ones that are later upgraded to the latest version. There are a good number of phones which have options to be upgraded to the latest version. While this can seem as good news, it always comes with a plethora of issues. The issues may include power drainage, unresponsiveness, connectivity issues and camera problems.

In an attempt to create room for the new handsets, most phones running old OS can be sold at great discounts, thus saving your hard earned money. This point should guide you if you’re really on a tight budget.

Most apps usually run smooth without major issues since the developers have released enough updates for their apps to be reliable and efficient.

One of the major demerits is that the app developers tend to focus on the newer versions of the OS and may therefore no longer support old versions. While a good number of apps can counter this by a simple update, it reaches a point where the old OS is simply not supported.

The old OS may also lack improvements in hardware and security features such as use of biometrics like iris and fingerprint scanner.

One of the major selling point of new versions of OS is usually new features and especially the user interface design.

However when purchasing a new phone, you’re always better off purchasing one that runs the latest OS, than buying and old version and then planning on upgrading to the current version. Phones sold with new versions of OS out of the box have better performance and user experiences compared to the one you’re going to upgrade.

But the hype surrounding news about new version of the OS can be blinding, to the expense of buying a poor quality product. A phone running an older version can, and in most cases, have a better quality phone at great prices.

Therefore it’s always vital to keep your eyes open and be informed before rushing to purchase a handset which might be costlier, and offer poor services.